Best Getaway Islands in South East Asia for Aspiring Digital Nomads

By now you must be dissatisfied with your 9 am to 5 pm work routine and that concrete wall that defines your daily activities. If you have that sense of adventure, exploration and that burning desire to conquer untamed territories then this post is for you.

Oh Darling, Let’s Be Adventurers.
Digital nomad is not just a job, it is a way of life. It is an exciting lifestyle where you can make your own rules, work as much as you require and not by the hours you are being paid. Although, as carefree as the job might sound, there are unspoken rules and regulations that you should follow and one of the many important rules are “know thy next location”. As a digital nomad, you don’t just venture into uncharted territories head first- you are not Indiana Jones. If you are looking for a place to go to as a digital nomad, I have just what you are looking for.
The best getaway islands for aspiring digital nomads are those places that have a strong tourism industry and a good internet speed. I guess you know the places I am talking about? Yes.

Koh Phangan Island, Thailand– Going to Thailand as a digital nomad is like going for a pilgrimage. Its cities like Koh Tao, chang and Bangkok are considered the most favourite amongst digital nomads. If you have a chance to visit this island of fishermen you should take it. It’s the centre of meditation and yoga. Staying here does not only relaxes you physically but also mentally. This island is an amazing place that is full of white sand. It is known for its peace and quiet- the perfect getaway for a digital nomad.


Island of Bali Indonesia– Indonesia comprises more than 10,000 islands that is uncharted. As a digital nomad in south-eastern Asia, you can spend more than 20 years in Indonesia and you still might not see the last of them. This little island in the province of Indonesia has the biggest Hindu population. It also has smaller neighbouring islands that are secluded from the main city where you can go and have a relaxing time in your own digital world. From Bali, you can take a two-hour boat ride to Gili. Gili is another island in the province that is considered to have the best beaches. There are a lot of hotels that have fast speed internet you can make use of.


Hoi An, Vietnam – it’s no news that Vietnam has been playing with the big leagues in terms of tourism and digital nomadic migration in recent years. Vietnam’s almost equals Thailand in status as the biggest site for digital nomads. Unlike Hawaii that is known for strip malls and expensive hotels, “hoi an” which means “beautiful meeting place” is a lot more affordable with the Wi-Fi in the hotels are fast. While you are not busy with work, you can simply hire or buy a motorbike and discover the wonders of Hoi An and explore the beaches and mountains.


Penang, Malaysia: if you love good food especially Chinese then this place would be great for you. The coffee houses and other restaurants give out free and fast Wi-Fi to increase their productivity. This island offers one of the best culinary dishes in the world which ranges from Chinese to Thai food.


Koh Mak, Thailand: this is the biggest private owned island in all of Thailand. So you can imagine it will be very safe and well, of course, expensive to live in. but with a budget of USD 2500 per month, you can enjoy the peaceful relaxation and quiet that Koh Mak has to offer.


There are other islands that meet the long list of criteria of a digital nomad. I honestly would love to address other islands which are also beautiful and affordable too for you to work away from home. Nevertheless, these once are tested, trusted and efficient too.

Laura Darnal

Photo: pt travel blog


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